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San Baio for the Planet

San Baio for the Planet


General advice for respecting the environment

Saving water

With a view to respect for the environment and sustainability, we are committed to promoting responsible practices for saving natural resources, especially water. Contributing together to preserve this precious resource is a common duty.
Recommended Actions for Saving Water
Efficient use of taps
Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth, soap your hands or shave.
Report any leaks or drips to staff for prompt repair.
Short showers
Limit the duration of your shower. A short shower can save up to 50 litres of water.
Responsible toilet use
Use the double-button flush to regulate the amount of water used.
Measures taken in our facility
Regular maintenance: We promptly check and repair any water leaks.
We inform guests and staff about the importance of saving water and the practices to be adopted.
The contribution of every guest is crucial to achieving our sustainability goals.
We thank you for your cooperation and for adopting these simple practices that help us preserve the environment and natural resources.

The Pool

We are pleased to inform you that our pool utilises an advanced water purification system using saltelectrolysis.
This technology allows us to offer a safe and pleasant bathing experience, reducing the use of traditional chemicals.
You can thus refresh yourself in naturally and effectively disinfected water.

Saving electricity

 Turn off the lights and the air conditioner when you leave the room, the devices provided ensure immediate cooling when you re-enter your room.
Remember to also switch off the television and other electronic devices.
Use air conditioning in moderation. Keep the air conditioning on a reasonable temperature (approx. 24* C).


San Baio is committed to responsible waste management through separate waste collection.

Thank you for helping us protect the environment, all it takes is small gestures.

Our facility is immersed in nature and offers a unique and authentic experience in contact with the surrounding environment. However, we would like to inform you of the potential risks associated with encounters with reptiles and insects that may be present in the surrounding area.


Mosquitoes and Other Flying Insects

Risks: Bites that may cause itching, allergic reactions, and in rare cases, transmission of diseases such as West Nile Virus.
Precautions: Use insect repellents, wear long-sleeved clothing during evening and night hours, and keep windows closed.

Bees, Wasps and Hornets

Risks: Painful stings that may cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylactic shock.
Precautions: Avoid disturbing nests, do not wear strong perfumes, and move away calmly if you spot one of these insects.


Risks: Bites that can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease and other infections.
Precautions: Wear long, light-coloured clothing when walking, do regular checks on your body and remove ticks promptly and properly.

Ants and Other Terrestrial Insects

Risks: Possible stings or bites, especially if disturbed.
Precautions: Avoid leaving food uncovered and keep communal areas and rooms clean.



Risks: Some snakes may be venomous and their bites may require immediate medical attention.

Precautions: Stay on marked trails, avoid putting your hands or feet in areas where you cannot see, and contact staff immediately if you spot them.

Lizards and Geckos

Risks: Generally harmless, but some species may bite if handled.

Precautions: Do not attempt to capture or handle these reptiles.

General Safety Measures
Our staff carry out regular inspections to reduce the presence of insects and reptiles in the vicinity of the facility and use natural products such as repellents every 15 days.
Please report any sightings of suspicious insects or reptiles to the staff immediately.

What to do in case of an encounter
Keep Calm: Do not attempt to chase or kill the animal. Move away slowly.
Inform facility staff immediately.
First Aid: In case of a bite or sting, wash the area with soap and water, apply a cold compress and consult a doctor if necessary.

Your safety is our priority
We thank you for your cooperation and wish you a pleasant and safe stay in our facility.
Information Insects and Reptiles.

Relais San Baio, your private corner of paradise, where you can find yourself.

We remind you that minors and animals are not accepted.

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